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How to Use SongPad as a song lyrics generator from your title

Reading time: 4 minutes

With SongPad, you can turn your title idea into a fully formed song easily. Here's a practical roadmap to guide you through the process and introduce to the joy of songwriting at the same time!

1. Set the Stage:

Start by typing your chosen title, clearly marked as [Title: XX] on the first line of the lyric editor. To give additional context and direction, write a brief comment about what the song is about. Start this line with the '#' symbol. This guide will help the AI in creating relevant and nuanced lyrics.

2. Engage Lyric Helper:

In the right-side toolbar, you’ll find the Lyric Helper tab. Plug in your song’s genre and mood here and, if you like free, tell the AI an artist you’d like to emulate with your song. Once inputted, hit "Suggest some lyrics" and release the power of SongPad's AI.

3. Craft Your Verses:

You've initiated your songwriting journey, the AI has written your song! Well, maybe… let's dive into refining the suggested lyrics to really express what you want to say. Start with verse one. Here’s where the plot of your song begins. Read the suggested lyrics and begin editing them keeping these things in mind:

Structure: Maintaining consistent line lengths can greatly impact the rhythm and flow of your song. The 'Syllable Counter' at the start of each line can assist in this. Try editing the lines of the first verse to make them consistent lengths if they aren’t already.

Rhyme Scheme: Most lyrics have some kind of rhyming scheme. Popular options include AABB or ABAB. The former pairs the first two lines and the last two while the latter interweaves them. This isn’t set in stone, but it helps in maintaining a clear, memorable rhythm. Our 'Rhyming Dictionary' can support you in finding the perfect rhymes. If the AI has written lyrics using a particular rhyme scheme make sure it is consistent. If it isn’t, or there are no rhymes at all, you might want to edit the lyrics to add some.

Show, Don't Tell: Lyrics should aim to illustrate feelings rather than stating them directly. For instance, instead of saying, "I'm sad," you could say, "Rain is falling on my windowpane." This provides a more robust emotional connection. Look at what the AI has written and consider tweaking it to “show” instead of “telling” if appropriate.

Word Power: Now that the verse is on the right path, use SongPad’s word tools to pump vitality into your lyrics; swap common adjectives for unique ones, add meaningful verbs, and find fitting synonyms.

Understanding the role of different word types is a game-changer in songwriting. SongPad's hints feature comes to the rescue by underlining word types in vibrant colors: green for nouns, purple for verbs, yellow for adjectives, and red for adverbs. A majority of green and purple hints indicate a robust lyrical foundation, supported by strong nouns and action-packed verbs. A sprinkling of yellow adds descriptive flair without overpowering the message. However, if you find a sea of red, or red and yellow dominating a line, it might be time to reconsider your word choices and infuse more verbs for a dynamic and impactful song. 

4. Compose Your Chorus:

Now verse one is well on the way, let's look at the chorus and following sections. The chorus elevates the song's message and should leave your audience humming. Look at what the AI has written carefully. If it misses the mark, fear not! Use the Lyric Helper for a fresh approach. Your established verse will provide additional guidance to generate a captivating chorus. Delete the chorus (and everything that follows it too if you like) and run lyric helper again. Now the AI will have your first verse as a starting point and it will take that into account along with the title and any comments as it writes. You can do this a few times to generate different options.

Once you have something you like - or that's nearly there - repeat the process you used on the first one to refine the chorus further. Keep in mind that a chorus should be more of a response - it's the bit where everyone joins in - so generally it's more repetitive and less wordy than the verses. Take a look at our other blog posts for more tips on chorus writing.

5. Develop Remaining Sections:

Apply these steps to create the remaining sections of your song. Let AI assist, further enhancing your creations with suitable lyrics.

6. Pause and Refresh:

Crafting compelling songs can be intense. Take a breather to avoid tunnel vision, regroup, and bring fresh eyes to your song. Go and do something completely different for at least 15 minutes.

7. Final Review:

Now, return and scrutinise your song. Ask discerning questions: Is there a smooth flow? Is the emotional resonance strong? Are the sections cohesive? Utilise this newfound clarity to fine-tune your song, knowing that perfection is a careful edit away.

Remember, to use all the tools including thesaurus, syllable counter, and 'hints' feature as you review and edit the song at this stage.


Songwriting need not be intimidating, especially with SongPad at your side. Harness your creativity, generate engaging lyrics, and enjoy the songwriting journey. Master the art, one song at a time. SongPad: your pen, your voice, your song.

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